Mold Assessment Services: We perform a visual mold assessment with every home inspection at no extra charge. Our certified mold inspectors will alert you to mold conditions discovered in the course of conducting our inspection as well as conditions conducive to mold growth (e.g., moisture intrusion issues).
What if Visible Mold Is Found or Suspected: If visible mold is found or suspected, we urge you to contact a company that specializes in mold inspections to perform a further mold assessment of the entire premises. This further evaluation may lead to recommendation for mold sampling via tape lift of visible mold growth and/or air sampling. In choosing a mold inspection company we recommend you go with a company that does not also perform mold remediation (removal). This may avoid the potential for what otherwise might lead to unnecessary and expensive mold removal costs.
Individuals with Known High Sensitivity to Mold/Allergies: For individuals with a known or suspected high sensitivity to mold or allergies, you may wish to obtain a complete indoor air quality assessment (air sampling) by a third party mold inspection company before purchase should you wish to rule out mold conditions that are not visually apparent.
Reporting the Results: Findings of our Mold Assessment will be set forth in our Narrative Inspection Report.
What If Mold is Found: In the majority of cases, the mold flagged by the inspector is found in isolated areas (e.g., under sinks, around plumbing fixtures) and is readily treatable; however, Countywide's services do not include mold removal or advising the client on mold removal methods and costs. If mold is found, we recommend you coordinate with the seller to obtain a mold remediation plan from a qualified contractor specializing in mold remediation prior to closing.
Limitations Applicable to Our Mold Assessment: Please click here: Terms and Conditions of Countywide’s Mold Inspection for limitations applicable to our Mold Assessment.
