1. Cooling equipment and operation using normal user controls.
2. Cooling distribution system(s) including a representative sampling of ducting, duct insulation, outlets, piping systems and valves.
3. Energy source and connections.
4. Condensate drains.
1. Determine uniformity, temperature, airflow or balance of cool air supply to any room or building, or examine for cooling at any cooling system distribution component when access would require steps or a ladder, or determine leakage in any ductwork.
2. Examine electrical current, coolant fluids or gases, or coolant leakage.
3. Examine electronic filtering systems.
4. Determine or examine thermostat calibration, cooling anticipation, or automatic setbacks or clocks.
5. Examine any non-central cooling unit(s) or gas-fired, solar or geothermal cooling system or food, wine or similar storage cooling system.
6. Examine humidity control systems and components.